Thursday, December 26, 2019

Violent Video Games Are Partically to Blame - 768 Words

School shooting have rocked the nation in the past decade, school bullying and now, cyber bullying are also seem to be on the rise. Across the nation more and more people are becoming victims of the people committing these wicked acts. Citizens and congressman are frantecly looking for someone or something to blame. Politicians and its voters don’t always seem to agree on much but both managed to agree that violent video games are at least partially to blame. However this is not the Salem witch trails, we need proof before we as a nation take any drastic action. So, is there any scientific proof that exhibits a link between acts of violence and playing violent video games? In this essay we will analyze arguments and research of people against and for this argument. Today about 97% of teenagers play or have played video games wether it be Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army on a console such as Xbox 360 or farmville on Facebook. About 70% of those who play vidoe games also play gaem s rated M for mature, these games are intented for a mature audience and usually have a minumum age rstriction of 17 years of age(Lenhart 1). Right off the bat you can see why there is such a tremendous concern on wether or not games can cause people to act violently. Were talking about 7 out of every 10 kids being potentially at risk. That is why it is so important that scientific research to be done. However up in till recently very little research has been done to show siginificant data to fully

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Mockingbirds in Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay

The significance of the store To Kill a Mockingbird is the expression mocking bird appears in the story lots of times. Also the most significant novel in this whole book is the mockingbird symbol. Another significant part of the story is the definition of a mockingbird and it is a type of Finch, it’s also a small bird who likes to sing. It got the name mockingbird because when it sings it is mocking other birds. ( The mockingbirds in the story were Tom Robinson, Calpurnia, and Boo Radley. Boo Radley was a man who was very nice and loving to others especially the Scout and Jem. One of the nicest things Boo Radley did was when Scout, Jem, and Dill were†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"But they also heard rumors that Boo Radley only comes out at night not during the day.† Scout and Jem start thinking that Boo Radley is a scary man or he is evil. The first time that Scout and Jem saw B oo Radley face, was when he saved them from Bob Ewell. Ever since Boo Radley saved them Jem and Scout stop believing all the rumors they heard about Boo Radley. Boo Radley can be compared to a mocking bird because mockingbirds are calm and don’t hurt others. That’s why Boo Radley is considered a mockingbird because he never hurt any known or bothered any known. The sad part was that Boo Radley was killed by couple of town’s people because he never came out because he was shy. ( Another mockingbird in the story was Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson was just like Boo Radley nice and loving to others especially Mayella Ewell. Tom Robinson was very kind to Mayella he always did we she wanted him to do and he always did it with pride. When Bob Ewell accused Tom Robinson of raping Mayella it was like a mockingbird that just stops singing or died because Tom Robinson would never rape Mayella. Bob Ewell said that Tom Robinson was kissing and touching Mayella. Mr. Ewell thinks now that Tom Robinson is an animal who was taking advantage of his daughter. Tom Robinson is a man who helped Mayella Ewell everyday when he would walk by her house, sheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird1210 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom who and what surrounds us, things that help to form our identity. Prejudice is an integral theme in Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mockingbird. Prejudice is evident throughout the novel, not just in the appalling racism but also through, prejudice against different sexual orientations, gender constructs and feminism. Society had certain constructs that had to be met. Throughout To Kill A Mockingbird, Lee breaks the bounds to overcome barriers, and challenge social constructs. This feature article delvesRead MoreHarper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay567 Words   |  3 Pagesexample in Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird, the small town of Maycomb struggles with these aspects. Each character of the novel has a strong personality. Scout Finch is tough, always has an opinion, and is a tomboy. On the other hand Boo Radley stays hidden most of the time, but we all know he is actually a friend to Jem and Scout. Then there is Tom Robinson, a hardworking, strong, and innocent man. But what do all these characters have in common? They can all be analyzed as mockingbirds. ThroughoutRead More Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay1367 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird In the early twentieth century, the United States was undergoing a dramatic social change. Slavery had been abolished decades before, but the southern states were still attempting to restrict social interaction among people of different races. In particular, blacks were subject to special Jim Crow laws which restricted their rights and attempted to keep the race inferior to whites. Even beyond these laws, however, blacks were feeling the pressure of prejudiceRead More Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird Essay1391 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird In the novel by Harper Lee named, To Kill a Mockingbird, there is one main tragic event that occurs. The feelings and expressions dealt with in the novel are seen through the eyes of the main character, named Scout. In the novel Tom Robinson is a black male accused of rape in Maycomb County. During the same time period as the novel there were many historical events that were almost identical in setting and conclusion. There were many things that happenedRead MoreEssay on Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird1054 Words   |  5 PagesHarper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Courage is the quality of mind that enables one to face danger with confidence, resolution, and gain a firm control of oneself. Many of the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird showed courage in their own way. Courage can come in many different forms: physical, mental, emotional and moral. Courage is not the only main theme displayed in To Kill a Mockingbird; prejudice and education are also very important themes exhibited throughout the progression of theRead More Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird Essay1378 Words   |  6 PagesHarper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird The United States has been dealing with the issue of racism ever since Columbus landed on Plymouth Rock. The Indians were the first to endure harsh racism in this country. Pilgrims moving west ran them off their land wiping out many tribes and destroying many resources in their path. However, when many think of racism today, the issue of blacks and whites is the first to come to mind. African Americans have come a long way in today’s society as comparedRead MoreHarper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird816 Words   |  3 PagesThe novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee focuses on many themes but courage is mostly shown in the novel. In the novel, there are many examples where the characters have shown courage even when he/she knows that he/she is going to lose it. Atticus Finch is a great example of showing courage in the novel. He shows great courage because he defends a black man even though he knows he is going to lose the case. Another example of showing courage is Mrs. Du bose. She shows courage because she wantsRead MoreHarper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay1073 Words   |  5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee is novel set in a three year period through the ‘great depression’. Atticus Finch (Jem and scouts father) is originally portrayed as a friendly and understanding person, though when he attends court defending a ‘black man’ as his job, suddenly he and his family begin to suffer racial hatred from their community. The story features on the themes of racism, community morals and the realisation of certain truths whilst growing up. It is a fascinating novelRead MoreEssay on Harper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird2478 Words   |  10 PagesHarper Lees To Kill A Mockingbird During the 1930s, during the time when the novel was set, society was very different to what it is now. To Kill a Mockingbird is Harper Lees story about life in a small town in Southern America during the 1930s. The story is based in the state of Texas, Alabama, in this state slavery was very common and because of this it became to be known as the Slave State. The story involves Atticus Finch a lawyer who must defendRead MoreHarper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird Essay3848 Words   |  16 PagesHarper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird The story of To Kill a Mockingbird takes place during the 1930s in a small town in Alabama in the southern United States - much like the town where the author Harper Lee herself grew up. To understand what the book is saying about racism, you need to know something of the history of race relations in the southern USA. Plot ---- The novel is about three years in the life of the Finch family: Atticus and his son Jem

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Business Consultant Professional Organization †Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Business Consultant Professional Organization? Answer: Introducation Business consultant is a professional or organisation who is contracted by business organisations to advise them on strategies which contribute towards strengthening their core business processes. Business consultancy firms help the organisations to address challenges to their key business imperatives. These firms specialise and provide advices in crucial areas like management, law, marketing, finance and data security (Consultant W. 2017). I as a manager employed at a business consulting firm have the skills which help me to face the challenges my profession throws before me. I update my skills and competencies as a business consultant manager which would me to bring about growth in my career in the future. I have learnt that business organisations use the advisory services of the business consultancy firms to strengthen their core business processes which are imperative to successful business execution. I have realised that a business consultant should have twelve attributes often referred to as 12 As to become a successful business consultant. They are the right professional attitude, the required aptitude, analytical power to analyse the problems facing the clients, the power to align them with the business strategies of the clients, the power to argue using logic and knowledge, access to the crucial data of the client related to the problem, choosing the right approach, creating appropriate, accountability, knowledge about the key management people of the client and the finally advice the client to solve the challenging situation(Abhimanyu, Bottiger and Singh 2016). I have come know that the decision thinking concept have four elements namely, start, scope, spin, specify and solve. As a business consultant manager I would be required to act and deliver high quality strategic advices to clients under various systems like scientific, structured and chaotic. I have further learnt that business organisations produce products to earn supernormal profits whereas non profit organisations work towards achievement of social welfare and sustainability (Lane 2015). Both the types of organisations require the advisory services to deal with their key business imperatives consisting of cash flow, strategies, culture, growth, innovation and so on. Every organisation has to measure their power to mobilise resources, staff efficiencies and business performances in the light of the business objectives set by the apex management (Reimer 2016). The board of directors of both profitable and non profitable organisations have to supervise the organisational performances, employee performances and organisational capacities to ensure that the core objectives of the organisations are s trong enough. I have learnt that the strong organisational design ensures regular cash flows, successful implementation of the business strategies and organisational culture aligned to the organisational goals. These learning and realisations have impacted my practices and made me realise the significance of the advisory services of consultancy firms. I have realised that the need to achieve organisational excellence necessitate the apex management to hire the business consultancy firms to strengthen the core business productivity (Bocken et al. 2014). Business Consulting is a very crucial area of practice in the corporate organisations and stand of several theories like Cultural Accomodation Model-Process Consulting(CAM-PC) theory by Leong and Huang. Cultural Accomodation Model-Process Consulting states that every individual has some unique attributes and some common attributes to other human beings. They further state that if the consultancy services provided to individuals are not aligned to their attributes, they do not gain from the consultancy advices (Leong, Huang and Mak 2014). Schiens Process Consulting Model states that the consultancy firms to adapt to their consultancy processes to bring about innovation and deal with challenging situations. The consultancy firms do not sell expertise but diagnose the problems of their corporate clients to help them to integrate knowledge and resources to gain organisational expertise (Adler 2015). I have realised that business consulting requires new skills which enable the consultants provide their corporate clients with accurate advisory services. They are profound analytical power, reliability, adaptability, initiative, strong knowledge in the areas of consultancy (management, finance, law and so on) and resourceful. A consultant should have profound knowledge and skills in the area of consultancy like law and management and have strong communication skills to provide his clients with appropriate advices (Manley and Titchen 2017). There are insights in the field of business consultancy which as professional I feel would be very helpful in my career as a business consultant manager. Business consulting requires scientific management and critical systems thinking about the resources of the client companies ( 2017). This insight made me realise that as a consultant I can also follow the scientific management theory of Taylor which emphasises on scientific management of the resources of companies to achieve high productivity and profits (Turan 2015). Modern business consulting today plays a very important role in assisting the organisations achieve high performances in their core business areas and I feel that the service is not restricted to advisory services. The modern consultancy services follow a detailed and complex chain of processes like entering into contract with the client organisations, diagnosing the problem, collection of data, feedback and implementation. I feel this detailed new practices help the consultancy firms to provide their business clients with appropriate business solution. I have also learnt from this finding that this ability to provide timely advisory services to the organisations have made the consultancy very profitable (Lin and Wu 2014). I have found during my new conversations with my class colleagues that they have learnt new skills in consultancy which have challenged my thoughts as a manager on the subject and have changed it considerably. They course content have also have had considerably changed my thinking and behaviour as a manager functioning in a consulting situation. I have realised events like client meets and my first site visit can be very different and more enriching than attending classes. These real life engagements give opportunities to me as a business consultant provide me with valuable insights on modern consultancy industry (Briner and Walshe 2014). I came to know about the modern consultancy firms use detailed methods like cloud computing and video conferencing with the key managers in their client companies to gain indepth knowledge about the problems they are facing to provide them with appropriate strategic advices. This new learning from field and real life situations would be beneficial t o my practices as a manager. I can reflect that these new learnings have made me a more capable and expert business consultant manager (Ranyard, Fildes and Hu 2015). I can discover that the articles on consulting available on the internet are rich in knowledge and provide me with new ideas about consultancy trends. Some of the articles consultancy businesses are from business media sources and from international magazines like Forbes which are very reliable and provide me with new ideas and views about my practice of business consultancy services. I can conclude that the new skills and competencies like analytical skills about consultancies would help me to improve my career as an entry level business consultancy manager. The newly developed analytical skills would help me to analyse the business related problems of my clients to provide them with appropriate and long term solutions to the problems pertaining to their core business objectives. I have developed new knowledge and capabilities that would prove advantageous to my career of a business consultant. The newly acquired capabilities are analytical skills, communication skills, use of modern communication channels like cloud computing and video conferencing. While reflecting upon the knowledge I have gained from the class and the site visits, I feel the site visits have proved to be important sources of gaining practical knowledge about consultancy business practices and their operations. While giving examples of site visits I can recall a big consultancy firm I visited where I got an opportunity to speak to the head of the business consulting department. It was a important encounter because it provided me new insights about consultancy profession. I realised that a successful business consultant professional is required to have certain special qualities other than skills like analytical and communication skills. A consultant should be committed to provide his consultant with long term business solution. His aim should be helping his business clients to strengthen their core business competence. A business consultant in order to help his client often gains access to confidential business data. A consultant should use the data ethically to help the client firms and never share the data with outsider. He should gain prior approval of the senior managers of the client companies before using the confidential data. He should always be committed to his clients business strategies and preserve the confidentiality of those strategies. I am planning to cont inue my profession as a business consultant at the big business consultancy firm I visited. I would refine and improve my skills by training under the head of the business consultancy firm. It would give me an opportunity to develop my skills more as an entry level consultancy manager by working under his leadership. Refernces: Abhimanyu, M.P., Bottiger, W. and Singh, G.D., 2016. An exploratory study about client satisfaction in dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence test.IJAR,2(3), pp.802-806. Adler, C., 2015. Information asymmetry in process consultation.Leadership and Organization Development Journal,36(2), pp.177-211. Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2014. A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, pp.42-56. Briner, R.B. and Walshe, N.D., 2014. From passively received wisdom to actively constructed knowledge: Teaching systematic review skills as a foundation of evidence-based management.Academy of Management Learning Education,13(3), pp.415-432. Consultant W. 2017. What is a Business Consultant?. [online] Business News Daily. Available at: [Accessed 17 Aug. 2017]. 2017. Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Aug. 2017]. Lane, J.F., 2015. Come you spirits unsex me!Representations of the Female Executive in Recent French Film and Fiction.Modern Contemporary France,23(4), pp.511-528. Leong, F.T., Huang, J.L. and Mak, S., 2014. Protestant work ethic, Confucian values, and work-related attitudes in Singapore.Journal of Career Assessment,22(2), pp.304-316. Lin, Y. and Wu, L.Y., 2014. Exploring the role of dynamic capabilities in firm performance under the resource-based view framework.Journal of business research,67(3), pp.407-413. Manley, K. and Titchen, A., 2017. Facilitation skills: the catalyst for increased effectiveness in consultant practice and clinical systems leadership.Educational Action Research,25(2), pp.256-279. Ranyard, J.C., Fildes, R. and Hu, T.I., 2015. Reassessing the scope of OR practice: The influences of problem structuring methods and the analytics movement.European Journal of Operational Research,245(1), pp.1-13. Reimer, S., 2016. Its just a very male industry: gender and work in UK design agencies.Gender, Place Culture,23(7), pp.1033-1046. Turan, H., 2015. Taylors Scientific Management Principles: Contemporary Issues in Personnel Selection Period.Journal of economics, business and management,3(11), pp.1102-1105.

Monday, December 2, 2019

International Monetary Fund Essays (2249 words) -

International Monetary Fund The International Monetary Fund is an important function that makes world trade less strenuous. The International Monetary Fund, or IMF as it is called, provides support and supervision to nations in all stages of economic progress. International trade is a key element to enable nations, large and small, to strengthen their economic positions. Larger nations need the international market to export their goods and services, and smaller nations also need this world scale market to import products so they are able to produce more efficiently. In order to achieve these goals, one major component must be in place. The ability to value other nation's currency. Throughout the years, many different ways have been used to do this, mostly ending in failure. There is no perfect way to accurately measure the true value of another country's currency. The International Monetary Fund is an effort to see each country's economic position, offer suggestions, and provide the fundamental economic security that is essential to a thriving (world) economy. Many of the domestic economic goals are reiterated by the INF on an international level. To understand the current INF we will investigate the events leading up to its existence. Between 1879 and 1934 major nations used a method of international exchange known as the Gold Standard. The Gold Standard was simply a fixed-rate system. The rate was fixed to gold. In order for this system to function properly three things had to happen. First, each nation had to define its currency to gold (this definition then could not change). Second, each nation must than maintain a fixed relationship to its supply of money and its amount of actual gold. Third, the on-hand gold must be allowed to be exchanged freely between any nations throughout the world. With all of those policies successfully in place, the exchange rates of the participating countries would then be fixed to gold, therefore to each other. To successfully maintain this relationship some adjustments had to be made from time to time. For example, two countries A and B are doing international business together and A buys more of B's products than B buys of A's. Now B doesn't have enough of A's currency to pay for the excess products purchased. B now has what's called a balance of payment deficit. In order to correct for this deficit the following must occur; Actual gold must now be transferred to A from B. This transfer does two things. First, it reduces B's money supply (a fixed ratio must be maintain between the actual amount of gold, and the supply of money) hence lowering B's spending, aggregate income, and aggregate employment, ultimately reducing the demand for A's products. Second, A's money supply is now increased, raising A's spending, aggregate income, and aggregate employment, ultimately raising the demand for B's products. These two events happen simultaneously stabilizing the exchange rate back to its equilibrium. The Gold Standard served the world's economy very well until one unfortunate event happened. The Great (worldwide) Depression of the 1930's presented the world with a new set of problems to be dealt with, not only domestically, but throughout the entire world. The situation was bad, so bad that nations would do anything to dig themselves out of economic disaster. Nations now would break the biggest rule of the Gold Standard. Nations started to redefine the value of there currency to gold. This act of devaluation, as it was called, disrupted the entire world's perception of the relationship of each country's currencies to there own. Bartering systems were tried, however, eventually the Gold Standard failed. After The Depression international trading was crippled. A new method of international currency exchange had to be developed. Many ideas were listened to, but not until 1944 would a new entirely accepted method be adopted. During this year in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire a modified adjustable-peg system was formed, in addition to this new innovative system, the International Monetary Fund was formed. For many years the Bretton Woods adjustable-peg system worked well. This system became more and more dependent of the United States currency's value. Since from the inception of the IMF in 1946 the United States government would exchange currency so that one ounce of gold equaled 35 US dollars. As more and more people found that 1 ounce of gold for 35 dollars was bargain, the supply of gold and US dollars became scarce (many people were trading their US dollars for gold). Eventually the general census of the world did not value 1 ounce of gold to 35 US