Thursday, May 14, 2020

Unjustified Revenge in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles...

Charles Dickens focuses on the revenge that put the bloody French Revolution in motion in his suspenseful story A Tale of Two Cities. The French Revolution was a revolt instigated by the peasants, who attacked the nobles with vengeful hearts starting in the year 1789, and going on until the year 1799. The settings of the book took place in both London and England, two parallels in novel, two cities where the plotting of the Revolution went into affect. Although the reasons behind the different examples of revenge are exposed, the actions taken with revenge in mind are inexcusable and not justifiable. Dickens portrays the theme of revenge successfully through the joker Gaspard, the brave younger brother who sacrificed himself to protect his†¦show more content†¦The pure water that they had used for daily activities has been polluted, not only insulting Gaspard by leaving him hanging there, but insulting the peasants by tarnishing their water source. Even though Gaspard goes t o great lengths to get revenge that he did eventually get, he and the peasants still pay the price for it, because of the nobilities’ retaliation against him. Gaspard was a single individual in a sea of people who wanted to rebel against the nobles; therefore he wasn’t the only one willing to stand up to the upper class. The younger brother of the family that falls victim to the Evermondes wanted revenge against the brother who molested his sister. He tells Dr. Manette how the younger Evermonde is the â€Å"worst of a bad race.† (252). The brother feels that someone with such a terrible soul should not be able walk away from the situation unharmed. He wants to hurt the disgusting brother who raped his sister. The younger brother explains that the nobles â€Å"plunder us, outrage us, beat us, and kill us† (251). He says peasants have been abused for too long, without regret from their oppressors. The nobilities treat the peasants as if they are not human b eings, and he uses this as his reason for his revenge being justifiable. The younger brother refuses to die without at least cursing the nobilities, and if he could not get revenge because death was approaching, at leastShow MoreRelatedThe Heart of the Revolution Essay1647 Words   |  7 Pagesincredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair† (Dickens 3). The duality of the revolution is presented in the novel, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, it shows the true nature of the French Revolution and its powerful impact over the citizens, as Lucie and her beloved husband, Charles Darnay, get torn apart by the uprising revolutionaries that only see with vengeance in their eyes. When Darnay travels to ParisRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages—San Diego State University Timothy A. Judge —University of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Acquisitions Editor: Brian Mickelson Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee Bradbury

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