Saturday, June 8, 2019

Peoples Republic of China Essay Example for Free

Peoples Re barlic of china EssayDifferent countries submit different societal structures, cultural norms and ways of forming human relationships. chinaware has strong traditions and moral values, born(p)e out of a long history. Food In China, food is an important stir up of life. The official Language of China is Mandarin. In the Chinese culture there are a vast of Morals and Values that range from humility to respect and are real important in the Chinese culture. There are two main religions in the Chinese culture.Taoism, also known as Daoism, is based on the teachings of the Tao Te Ching, which was writtenin China in the 6th century BC. The emphasis is on finding spiritual harmony within the individual. Buddhism is the dominant religion in China. This began in India 2, 500 age ago and follows the teachings of the Buddha, The Enlightened One. In China, Mahayana Buddhism is particularly common. In this form of Buddhism the path to liberation involves religious ritual, m editation and devotion. The social structure of China is a stratified and formal social structure.For example, in the family, children are expected to respect their elders with the eldestfamily member commanding the greatest respect In the Chinese culture family is delimit as mother, father and children. When the female child marries she then is a member of her husbands family and is no longer considered as a member of her family that she was born into. Therefore the family then consists of Mother, father, son and daughter n laws and children. The oldest male in the family has he most status. This person is considered to be the oldest and the wisest therefore has the most status. In the Chinese culture success is determined by purpose.The definition of purpose is thereason for which something exists. Meaning, Why are we here? In the Chinese culture they strongly view in a creator. The creator defines there purpose for them. Amy stated that Every moment of every day, I live my li fe according to what I rely. Every decision is based on a set of values that guides her in determining the get hold ofion she is to go. When asked if she considered her parent to be successful. Her response was yes.She feels as though her parents success is measured by what their purpose was. Her mother purpose was to be a house wife andtake care of the crustal plate and her fathers purpose was to work and to provide for the family. Education in the Chinese culture is very important. It starts when the child is very young and in the home. In China, parents are the first educators of their children. Therefore, family education is the most basic and important education model of their culture. Given the importance of family education, parents put more and more effort in educating their children and helping them grow as persons. Amy stated that her parent always demanded that she get good grades in school.She had to attend extra classes to help her achiever higher grades and she was infinitely involved in numerous activities ranging from art, dance or musical classes. She stated that she didnt have much of a say in choosing her classes or clubs that she was a member of. Her parents made all of these decisions for her. Chinese parents tend to care so much about their childrens studies that they dont ask them to help in any other daily tasks. The primary requirement for children is to study hard, do well in exams and graduate from reputable universities so that they could have careers.The reason for this on one hand is childrens own good, as in a populated and highly competitive society like the Chinese, good academic piles can probably guarantee a bright future on the other hand, it is a traditional value orientation that parents will be esteem if their children have great achievements in society. Therefore, Chinese parents are willing to self-sacrifice and give up their own time, hobbies and interests in order to provide better conditions for their children. In the Chinese culture breakfat is the most important meal.Most Chinese persons startthere day out woth a bowl of Congee, which is like a decrepit rice that can be seasoned besides to give it more flavor, it can be sweet or salty or even down(p) and, sometimes, with vegetables, meat or mushrooms if the person chooses. Another typical food that the Chinese people eat for breakfast is Crullers, they call them also the deep-fried-devils and they are basically malformed strips of dough that been deeply fried in oil, they are very popular in the street stands. The Crullers always are eaten with congee. In China, food is an important part of life. Sharing a meal is the common way to socializein the same way that We may go to a bar or pub for a drink. In the Chinese culture they have a strong waste not, want not . This means they can make a meal out of just about any combination with rice or noodles. In the Chinese culture ricer and noodles are like bread to our culture. Its a common part of every meal. I asked Amy if racism existed in China and she told me no. I asked her what do you think of black people or what do you think of Japanese people, and the answers that she gave me were very racist responses.In my opinion her responses showed me that racism against black people may be the strongest form of racism in China. I asked her how would her family react if she had of married a black man. She stated that she would probably get disowned. She said this is because most black people are known to have very little status or money unless they are basketball players or entertainers. Now the racism against Japanese People in China is just as bad. Some children in China are taught hate songs against Japanese people in elementary school and history books in China that hired hand with Japan focus almost exclusively on the terrible thingsJapan did around World War II, ignoring much of Japans recent history.This shake off opened my eyes to the differences among cultur es. I didnt truly attend why some of my coworkers that were Chinese acted the way that they did. For example Amy would never give a direct answer especially of the answer was no. This was because in her culture it was not a common thing to say no, and when one did say no it meant that the relationship was now ended. She would always say, Im not sure or maybe. This then protected her from having to end out working relationship. She also was not very affectionate.In herculture displays of affection were seen as disrespectful. I can remember a time when we had got some great news within out discussion section and she was sitting next to me. I immediately reached out and hugged her because she was the main person that worked on the project with me. I felt a little weird by and by the embrace because I felt as though I violated her space. But after doing this research on her culture I now understand why. I started out in this class not understanding what I would truly learn from this. But after the assignment I have larn how to effectively communicate with coworkers of the Chinese culture.

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