Thursday, June 6, 2019

The Importance of Business Ethics in the Business Transactions Today Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Business Ethics in the Business Transactions Today EssayFor me, chore ethics has something to do with the moral principles, values, and beliefs that tramp around a group of business people. It may reach something to do with the various strategies used in applying and demonstrating the values standards that the group implements to the public. It may include the patterns of advertisement, how it associate to and with the society, how morals are applied internally and externally, what values and beliefs they execute (e.g., pro-children, pro-technology), or how they give meaning to the environment and the type of business that they have. It is a very authoritative factor in business these days, especially that there is more intense competition in the business society today, people are more different than ever, and that there are various business companies that employees may switch to if, in case, they agree that the group is making them more aggravated, especia lly in terms of ethics.For this, incarnate managers nowadays should take business ethics more seriously. Apart from having a good business plan, implementing good business ethics motivates the employees and the customers alike, since it gives a positive fantasy on the company itself, and makes the people aware that this company does not just value the cash but the people as well. A well-organized, motivated business group is more capable of succeeding, and this would all depend on the ethics set by the higher staff. If I were the chief executive officer or CEO of a corporation, I would communicate my perspective on the importance of ethics to my employees by acting out what I preach, and by implementing integrity, dependability, fairness, and most of all, transparency. Everything would have to start in transparency by improving the value of honesty and openness within the company. I should also do the same thing with the customers and the new(prenominal) stakeholder groups. This builds what Baum and Kling (2004) calls a values-based business culture (p.1). Business ethics may mean different things to different people, yet it all lands on the same groundthe death penalty of values, morals, and principles.ReferenceBaum, H., Kling, T. (2004). The transparent leader how to build a great company through straight talk, openness, and accountability. New York, NY HarperCollins.

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