Tuesday, September 17, 2019

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 :: essays research papers

Have you ever thought about what life would be like if Hitler had won WWII? Just think about not being able to choose the job of your choice or not being able to express your feelings about the government. Those are just two of the many freedoms that would have been lost if the U.S. would have lost the war. The book 1984 gives a view of what life would be like if we lived under a totalitarianism government. The story 1984 is about Winston Smith an average person who lives on airstrip one in Oceania, which used to be London, England. The ruling government of Oceania is IN SOC, which is a totalitarianism government. The author George Orwell wrote this book to warn people about the negative effects of a totalitarianism government. In the first section of the book, it tells about Winston's job changing the past and present news for the government. Winston belongs to the outer-party and is suppose to love Big Brother who is the ruler of Oceania. The official language developed by the government, which is spoke in Oceania is Newspeak. Oceania is constantly at war with the brotherhood, which allows Big Brother to stay in power. Winston's rebellion against Big Brother starts in section one with him writing in a diary, which is not allowed in Oceania. Later in section one he has sex with Julia who is also an outer-party member and having sex is also illegal in Oceania. In the second section of the book Winston has a love affair with Julia. The two of them continue to break the laws of Big Brother and the thought police, which is the police core of Oceania, begin to catch on to Winston and Julia. Winston also meets O'Brien who works for Big Brother and is spying on Winston and Julia. In the third section of the book is when the climax of the book takes place. Winston and Julia were caught by the Thought Police because of their acts against Big Brother. O'Brien then takes Winston to room 101, which contains in it a person's worst fears. For Winston his worse fear is rats because when he was a kid he saw his mom lying dead in a field with rats all over her. In room 101 is where the climax of the book takes place when Winston yells out, "do it to Julia.

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