Friday, September 13, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Personal Statement Example Sometimes just holding the things or bringing him something that he needs. I could not see my father taking the entire burden alone therefore; I decided to help him in my own way. This time was the most difficult time of my life as well as the turning point in my life. During that period, I realized the importance of knowledge as well as money and I came to know that knowledge is a way towards money. However, one cannot deny that at times only money can help in acquiring the knowledge and then this knowledge contributes in earning both money and respect. Moreover, I came to know one more bitter reality of the world that money makes friends and money gives you respect. Nevertheless, there also exist some angels in this world who are aware of the importance of knowledge and do not care about financial conditions of a person rather their talents. As we study in economics that investing in social sector that is education, does not give a country immediate results but a country sees its r esults after some years. Similarly, knowledge along with its alleviating power that is education can take a person to the soaring heights of success but it needs some time. There are two reasons that augment my interest in economics. Firstly, my financial conditions that have always prompted me to think about certain aspects of economics such as the reason of sudden changes in demand and supply, increase and decrease in prices of certain products and saturation of market. As in the period of financial crises, I had all the responsibilities of house such as buying of groceries and other important stuff therefore, I was always aware of the increase and decrease of prices. I did not only confine myself to knowing the prices but I also tried to know the reasons behind changes in trends. In this struggle, I always got the answers of my questions that why the prices increase and decrease. This reasoning attracted me more and became second reason of creating my interest in economics. In ec onomics, there is always a reason behind occurring of any event and I am very rational person therefore, by the time I started researching more on economics and inclined more towards economics. However, this was a very tough time of my life but without these hardships, I would never be able to discover myself and know what actually field of my interest is. I used to talk to my father about the bankruptcy and know what the economic reason behind this bankruptcy was. Did we not create enough demand for our product or did our product was very expensive that people could not afford it. Did government put some restrictions on our company or did we not have enough funds to run the company. If we did not have enough funds, then what was the reason behind this? My father and I used to have long conversations on these issues and I used to enjoy it a lot. Reasoning is something that fascinates me a lot and therefore economics is my priority. In addition, I did not remain behind in the race of extracurricular activities. In my school, I was inter club representative and represented my school in other schools. I was also the representative of Hong Kong Students. I never let my financial crisis overwhelm me rather I lived my life in a realistic and positive manner. These situations made me a very audacious person and gave me valor to speak in front of people, as I knew about the reality of this world that no one is yours until you persuade them through your acts and actions. I possess

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