Friday, October 4, 2019

Food security issues in Brazil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Food security issues in Brazil - Essay Example Research proves Brazil to be a major agricultural and industrial country, factors that have made the country rank highest in Latin America with regard to economic growth. Despite the continuous improvement, there is a widespread poverty and evident financial inequalities with many concentrations of poverty in the rural areas. This has led to increased food insecurity. According to the World Health Organization website, The World Food Summit of 1996 sought to define food security, noting that it exists â€Å"when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life†. Brazil, like most of the developing countries faces a major challenge of hunger where more than six million citizens are facing starvation (The Economist 2009). Brazil is the largest country in South America with over 190 million citizens. As the fourth leading food exporter, a small population approximated to be 30% of the entire population was faced with constant food insecurity in 2009 (Government of Brazil 2010). Understanding the root causes of food insecurity will help to offer a solution to this problem. There is an urgent need to come up with policies that will boost the food production and also help prevent wastage of produce. Scholars have proved the extend to which Brazil government has made steps towards eradication of poverty as well as food insecurity. Despite the fact that Brazil is not leading in economic development, it has proved to outstrip leading economies like china and India. This success is highly attributed to pro-poor policies that the leaders of the country. The causes of food insecurity to most developing countries are mostly due to poor management and implementation of policies. In Brazil, poor methods of production have accelerated the problem of food insecurity. The poor production methods have been caused by poor quality land and

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