Monday, October 28, 2019

The Role Of Media Essay Example for Free

The Role Of Media Essay Information is a very powerful tool.   One who controls it can manipulate the outcome of most events in society.   The media possesses this enviable authority to independently disseminate information on all things significant to everyone.   Politics, entertainment, sports, health, current events, and government are the facets of civil society that the media needs to cover.   It has a significant role in all these aspects to transmit every detail of information to the public.   In government, the media plays an even bigger role.    It serves as a bridge between government leaders and the people.   The media is tasked with major responsibilities to function as broadcaster, educator, and watchdog. As a broadcaster, the media gathers noteworthy information about every action our government is carrying out.   It needs to convey the news with unequivocal objectivity with one major goal- bring the truth to the people.   As an educator, the media holds the duty to instruct the public on complex governmental issues.   The process and system of government policies and regulations need to be put in plain words so the majority of the citizens will comprehend.   This will empower the people and encourage them to uphold their rights and privileges. As a watchdog, the media scrutinizes every decision the government makes.   It acts as the eyes and ears of society taking all information into consideration and exposes them to the public for review.   The media compels government officials to be always accountable to the people who placed them in their respective positions.   The media has not really changed much. Throughout the years, it has remained true to the mission it has set to undertake.   The muckrakers of the past and the journalists of present times have stood their ground and remained steadfast.   The media has withstood the test of time and continued to dedicate its existence in the service of the people.   It has its fair share of triumphs and disappointments.   The media has dedicated its whole life in the pursuit of the truth. Works Cited The Role of Media in Democracy: A Strategic Approach. Technical Publication Series. Jun. 1999: pg 3. Center for Democracy and Governance Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support, and Research US Agency for International Development. Paletz, David L. The Media in American Politics: Contents and Consequences. New York: Longman, 1999. Rasky, Susan. Informing Democracy: The Role of Media in Shaping American Policy and Public Opinion. USINFO- The United States Department of State. U.S. Department of States Bureau of International Information Programs. 12 Dec. 2004.

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